Dr Stephen Moss
Communication Working Group participant
Dr Stephen Moss - MSc, PHD, FRPharms,
Managing Director of CoAcS Ltd
Contact: steve.moss@coacs.com

Dr. Moss qualified as a pharmacist after receiving a BPharm from Nottingham University, UK. He was awarded a MSc in radiation biology from The University of Bath, UK and this was followed by a PhD in molecular biology also from the University of Bath.
He was appointed to the faculty of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology in 1972 and has remained a faculty member until the present time with a short interlude as a visiting scientist as Stanford University, California working in the Medical School.
His undergraduate teaching activities have included pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical microbiology and industrial pharmacy and he supervised 26 PhD students
He has been a member of a number of scientific and professional bodies and in 1995 was designated a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britian.
His publications number more than 40 full papers and a further 60 communications on topics including pharmaceutical stability, cellular repair of radiation damage, drug targetting, gene delivery and the formulation of poorly soluble drugs in lipid mixture.
In addition to his activities as a pharmaceutical scientist Dr. Moss has always been involved in teaching and research in relation to the application of computers in pharmacy. This has included teaching computer programming to undergraduate students and acting as the Director of PCCAL, the Pharmacy consortium for Computer Aided Learning.
In parallel with his academic career Dr. Moss founded CoAcS Ltd in 1994 and has acted as the Chairman and Managing director from the company’s formation until the present time. CoAcS Ltd has two divisions, the software division has established itself as a world leader in the supply of computer applications to the pharmaceutical profession, and the pharmaceutical division has acted as consultants to major pharmaceutical industries in Europe and the Middle East.
Consortium members include Full Members, Associate Members and Universities: