Dr. Hassan Benameur, PhD
Elected LFCS Chairman (2010-2013) & Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee
Senior Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Capsugel, Strasbourg, France
Contact: hassan.benameur@capsugel.com

Hassan Benameur, Ph.D., is a Senior Director at Capsugel and brings over 20 year’s expertise in conventional and advanced drug delivery development to frequently innovate in product design. Dr. Benameur joined Capsugel R&D in 2002, and currently leads the Pharmaceutical Sciences department within Capsugel with the objective to bring insightful science into innovative dosage forms, and to use drug delivery technology to maximize success and reduce attrition in product development, from pre-formulation to manufacturing using a systematic and rational approach. Dr. Benameur also evaluates and acquires new technologies using a unique methodology. Prior to joining Capsugel, Dr. Benameur held various positions in Pharmaceutical Research and Development within Therapeutica, SMB Galephar, and Gattefossé.
Dr. Benameur is a Chemical Engineer and holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Free University of Belgium. He is also a lecturer at several academic and industrial symposia (US, Europe, China, Japan) and was presented the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan Award in 2005. Dr. Benameur is a member of several major scientific associations (AAPS, APGI BCRG, PSTJ and CRS) and scientific academies, and is also the author of 20 scientific publications and the inventor of over 15 patents.
Consortium members include Full Members, Associate Members and Universities: